This book was suggested by a good friend of mine and I tried looking for it when I went to PowerBooks the other day (and at NBS this lunch break). I haven't seen the movie (with Hugh Grant in the lead role) but I plan to see it after I read the book (they said there's some deleted parts and has a different ending). Btw, the book was released in 1999.
Can I borrow your copy, please?
Ang basa ko dun sa surname Horny... :) have you tried skimming through at Booksale?
Hahaha! First time I read his name, I thought so too. hehehehe. Anyway, I did thought of that (going to Booksale), problem is I'm cheaper than that. hahahahaha I'll wait first if somebody will lend me the book. If not, I'll buy a copy for myself (can't wait to read it).
hmmmm....i think i saw this book in free-ebooks.com but i checked just now couldn't find it anymore....
shucks! sayang! free ebook at that! hahahahaha. no worries, friend Meyri. thanks for trying. I know I'll have the book soon. actually, there's a copy at Powerbooks, kaya lang it's too expensive (P600+) for me. I'm looking for the softbound kaya lang looks like they've ran out of stock...poor me!
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