31 December 2010
27 December 2010
My Favorite Aussie Commercials
26 December 2010
10 November 2010
Busy as a Bee...
I've been very busy with office work lately.
Been wanting to blog about something but never got to start it.
Perhaps an inspiration would help...*sigh*
07 October 2010
15 August 2010
Just Like in "Ratatouille"
When I first saw the stand the other day, I couldn't believe that it was THE SCRAMBLE with the oh so familiar pink color. My friend R bought one for himself but I was so full already (this was after lunch). I told myself I'll comeback to try it one of these days.
When my sister and I went to SFS this afternoon, we tried it and all I could say was, "The taste brought back so much memory" with a big grin, of course. Sayang, I wasn't able to take pictures.
By the way, you can also choose a topping or 2 (or even 3) to go with your scramble. We ordered the regular (no topping), too bad, it did not come with the red sago (tapioca!). That would have completed my raving.
You should go and try it yourself...and you know what, they also gave a small spoon, but I remember "drinking" it with no spoon. HA! Now I remember, it's the original BRAIN FREEZE!
02 August 2010
Batangas Weekend
We left Manila around 5:30am to avoid the weekend traffic and to catch the early morning chill of Tagaytay.
Our first stop was breakfast in Tagaytay. After an hour and a half of driving from Manila, we finally arrived in the second summer capital of the Philippines (also called the Philippine's Best Kept Secret). The road was covered in fog and it was very cold! Brrrr!
We had breakfast at Pancake House. We had pancake (what else!) and shared a large plate of pasta. Yummy! After breakfast, we moved next door to Starbucks. It was still foggy and it rained a bit. After some time, it cleared up, still a bit foggy but clear enough to take pictures of Taal Volcano. Did you know that its a volcano within a lake?
J pointed to us Mt. Makulot, which is the mountain behind Taal Volcano. Now we know.
Next stop was Sonya's Garden but before leaving, I bought 2 scarves at the souvenir stand near the parking area. One red for my sister and another one for myself :)
At Sonya's Garden, before buying goodies from their Panaderia, we went around the garden and took pictures. It's a good thing they now have the Bed and Breakfast. Oh yeah, we bought spanish bread, pan de coco (E said it should be Pan de Pandan because of the green color of the "coco"), and hopia. I also bought their bottled Tilapia in Olive Oil (Rose said it's good).
Next stop was the Don Leon Apacible Museum. Don Leon Apacible was a lawyer and judge. He was appointed finance office of Batangas and delegate to the Malolos Congreess. This ancestral home of Don Leon Apacible was converted to a museum with the first floor showing old pictures during the American period and family treasures on the second floor.
By 1:00pm, we arrived in J's family's Pamintahan ni Ka Andoy in Alitagtag, Batangas, better known as the Pepperidge Farm, for lunch.
After swimming, we left San Jose around 1:30pm to look for Batangas' version of Lomi. We found a small carinderia along the long highway going back to Alitagtag. J ordered inihaw na baboy and rice that came with free soup and after P and I were already busog, the lomi came, served in a medium-sized bowl but was filled to the rim. Shamefully, we didn't finish the delicious lomi (the lomi itself was a full meal already) --- there's always a next time ;)
At around 4:30pm, we had to bid the Pepperidge goodbye. J stayed behind to be with her family and will just come to the office the next day. On our way to Manila, we stopped by Tagaytay to have dinner at Cafe Breton. I had Deja Vu and P had La Pinay and coffee.
To cap off our relaxing weekend, we stayed a few minutes more to soak up Tagaytay and Taal Volcano.
30 July 2010
27 July 2010
My Midyear Resolutions
2. Save up for a garden set for our terrace (we want the one similar to the garden chair used in the park scene in Notting Hill).
Well, not really the same. Maybe "almost" would best describe it.
3. Save up for HBs trip next year. K & I have been assigned to do the itinerary. No destination yet, though.
4. Play badminton once a week.
5. Go to the gym at least thrice a week.
6. No sweets (candies, cakes, pastries, colas, etc.).
7. I have been coming in to work early, before 8am in fact, for the past month or so. My motivation: slot at the basement parking & I get to hang out with office friends at breakfast. I hope to keep this up.
8. No to rice (this is a big challenge so good luck to me).
9. Eat more veggies and fruits.
10. Back to oatmeal for breakfast.
Wish me luck!
Picture from www.gel.com.au
25 July 2010
20 July 2010
10 July 2010
I Feel Good!
Aside from the FUN of playing badminton with the Friday group, I have gained new friends.
I will still keep going regularly to the gym (at least 3 times a week *fingers crossed *) and the most important thing for me right now: NO INJURIES, PLEASE!
Photo courtesy of Pam :)
04 July 2010
Looking Forward To...

...UAAP Season 73! It's DLSU vs UP on opening day!! Go La Salle!
03 July 2010
It's An Elevator Thing
Who would you like to get stuck with in the elevator?
Usually, it would be somebody you have a crush on. I.D.E.A.L.L.Y.
Unfortunately, the other morning, on the elevator ride to my floor, of all people, I got stuck with one of the bosses in my department. JUST THE TWO OF US!!! He's one of those who I dread to talk to or have something signed by him. If you have something for him to sign, he'll have at least one question related to the document and you should be ready with the answer. Never fails, I tell you. You'll be forced to review the policies.
Anyway, good thing it just stopped for a few seconds. We got out and got on another elevator. WHEW!!
One big Ughhhh.
Hey, gotta go. Gonna watch those vamps and doggies again :p
23 June 2010
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
Have you ever wished real hard hoping it would be granted? right away?
...that you wished something you want will happen?
...or that you wished the opposite happened?
...or that you wished that it did not happen at all?
I have. A couple of times. During desperate times.
When my mom was sick.
When I blew my top over a simple misunderstanding.
When I made wrong choices, wrong decisions.
When something bad happened to my family or my friends.
Or things I regret saying.
I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing or desiring.
But I have accepted the fact that there are things that cannot be undone.
I just leave it all to Him.
First four lines taken from the song "Airplanes" by B.o.B (featuring Hayley Williams)
22 June 2010
Asar Kwento #2
Email received at 7:52AM
Dear Rhea,
Could you please arrange transport to pick up Ms. Bossing this afternoon from the airport at 03:45.
She's arriving via ***Air.
Me - Hmmm...in the "afternoon" pero "03:45" - malabo. And besides, kulang info.
Email sent at 8:26AM
Ms. Bossing's Assistant,
Please provide full flight details, including Mission Authorization Request number and where the car will bring her.
Me - yaaaan! pag sinagot, mas malinaw na, diba?
Email received at 9:50AM
We don't know the flight details.
And place where she will stay.
I asked Ms. Bossing's other assistant regarding this, but he also doesn't know.
Me: DUHHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
(I almost fell off my chair! She probably thinks I'm a fortune teller!!)
I emailed back:
So how can I arrange for transport?
Without these details, I won't be able to assist you in your request. Sorry.
I wonder what happened to Ms. Bossing? :P
21 June 2010
That means:
When I come in tomorrow, I would need to present my VB card to the guards.
I won't be able to park in the basement parking.
I have no choice but to park outside (where its hot, hot, hot. Worse if it rains.)
I need to go to the reception because they'll be taking my picture for the temporary ID. (Hindi pa naman ako photogenic :P)
But the positive side to it:
I'll have no need to leave the house early, I'll be parking outside anyway.
BUT I will have to miss having breakfast with my office friends...
Haaaay. Hassle.
I hope somebody found it and will bring it to Security. Or better yet, I get a phone call, hopefully from somebody interesting, and say, "Hey, I've got your ID. I can give it to you over coffee." Hahaha. Asa pa!
20 June 2010
Happy Father's Day
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad.
(Author Unknown)
Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you. I miss you.
HFD to all Dads out there, too.
16 June 2010
15 June 2010
Back To School
Summer is over and traffic is back. I felt it this morning when I was going to the office.
I usually pass through Boni, left on Sheridan Street, then out to EDSA. In less than 15 minutes, am in the office.
But this morning, as I was exiting EDSA, I was surprised (duh?) that it was all clogged up. So I had to leave EDSA by turning right to Reliance and out to Pioneer (Kapitolyo).
Ugggghhh. Good thing I still was able to get a slot at the basement parking or else it would have been a bad morning for me.
Gosh! I think I have to leave the house earlier.
06 June 2010
Happy Birthday, Mama!
I miss you...everyday!
I love you!
It's my Mom's birthday today. She would have been 66.
01 June 2010
24 May 2010
Paglabas ng bahay - ANG INIT
Pag pasok ng sasakyan - ANG INIT
Pagbaba ng sasakyan - ANG INIT
Pag lumabas ka ng tanghali - ANG INIT
Pag labas ng opisina sa hapon - ANG INIT
Sasakay na naman sa kotseng buong araw nabilad sa araw - ANG INIT
Pagbaba ng sasakyan - ANG INIT
Pagpasok sa kwartong mainit - ANG INIT
22 May 2010
What's happening Thailand?
19 May 2010
Am I Selfish?
But when a person abuses my kindness, that's when I get pissed off.
Then they think I'm a selfish person.
18 May 2010
Irresponsible Driving
Have you seen a driver wearing headphones? How about a driver talking on his mobile phone? How about a driver smoking? ALL AT THE SAME TIME?????
I did! Tonight! I think my blood pressure shot up! All I could do was move away from him. I should have taken a picture of that *&^$*(@#^$ guy!
Shame on you!
28 March 2010
My Macau and Hong Kong Trip Top 10
After landing at the Macau International Airport around 10:20pm, we changed some USD to HKD to spend for taxi fare and possibly dinner that night. Before this gets any longer, here's my Top 10:
1. Sights - particularly the enchanting Ruins of St. Paul and the Macau Tower. By the way, it's better to go first to the Macau Museum before going to the Ruins. There's a portion in the museum where they explain what the different sections of the Ruin's facade represents (which is very interesting). Special thanks to Lonely Planet's suggested walking tour of Macau :)
2. Metropole Hotel - The hotel is walking distance to Leal Senado, Senado Square, St. Dominic's Church, the Cathedral, the Ruins of St. Paul and the beautiful Lisboa and Wynn hotels. Good restaurants are located near the hotel. My requests for very late check-in (between 10-11pm) and for 2 twin beds were both accommodated. These requests were made upon booking with agoda.com. We were very pleased that they took note of these. Our first two nights were spent in Macau, a night in Hongkong and back for another night in Macau. Metropole was kind enough to keep our luggages while we were in Hong Kong which was a big relief for us. Highly recommended.
3. Shuttle bus service -- Metropole Hotel and The Venetian -- We availed of the free shuttle bus service of Metropole and Venetian. Very convenient. Tipid pa sa transpo :)
4. The jaw dropping grandeur of The Venetian where we also watched Cirque du Soleil's ZAIA!
Sto. Domingo Church - after a few steps from Senado Square, it would be difficult to miss this yellow church with green shutters. Built in 1828, Sto. Domingo Church remains to be one of the most beautiful churches in Macau.
Macau Cathedral - Originally built in 1576, the Cathedral has gone through a couple of restructuring. This is where we joined the Portuguese language Sunday mass in Macau.
St. Anthony Church (Sao Antonio Macau) - a good 10 minute walk from the Ruins, the church is believed to be the very first one in Macau.
That was four churches (including the Ruins). My friend Alfie commented "It's like doing the Visita Iglesia in Macau!"
6. 11 degree chillness in Macau - We caught the last few days of winter. We didn't need the hotel aircon. We needed a heater. That's how cold it was. But we loved it!
7. Shopping - We had fun shopping for bags, souvenirs, shirts, food and anywhere there was a sale!
8. New World First Ferry - For our trip to Hong Kong, we used the NWFF. Although there was a "lost in translation" episode with the NWFF staff (we asked where we should buy the NWFF tickets, they pointed to the left, when it was actually on the right), it was a pleasant ride.
9. Hong Kong Disneyland and the Sunny Bay MTR line - The main purpose why we went to Hong Kong was to visit Mickey Mouse and the gang...and we were not disappointed. Sunny Bay MTR pa lang, pwede na! (It was raining when we were there and most of the mascots were no where in sight, except for Buzz Lightyear)
10. The delicious BBQ chicken wings at the Starliner Diner in Tomorrowland (Hong Kong Disneyland). Fingerlooking good!!!
More pics here.