30 July 2007
Ever since my nephew, Nikki, attended Ateneo Grade School (now in Grade 3), it has been a riot everytime the UAAP Season comes around. He's 9 btw, my Kuya's eldest and my godchild. You see, at home, my Kuya, me and my sister Rose are all from DLSU and he's the only one from Ateneo. My sis-in-law is from UST. (Last year, he knew DLSU was suspended but probably did not understand why.)
A typical asaran would go:
Me: Nikki, bili mo naman ako ng Ateneo shirt, mas ok kung may eagle, sige na, please.
Nikki: Sige, Tita. Pero di ba La Salle ka, bakit mo yon isusuot?
Me: Lalagyan ko ng 'X' o kaya ng green na arrow hahahahaha
Nikki: Ayoko nga! Hindi kita ibibili (sabay simangot)
We get the same pang-aasar from Nikki when La Salle is losing...
Nikki: Tita, nood tayo ng UAAP sa TV
Me: Ayoko, natatalo La Salle e
Nikki: Kaya nga tayo manonood e hahahahaha
...or loses.
Nikki (to me and my sister): Talo La Sa-halle! Talo La Sa-halle! Talo La Sa-halle! (non stop) behhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
At a very young age, he gets affected when Ateneo loses. Lalo na if we rub it in. I know, we're bad, but it's just for fun (and he's also enjoying it).
Actually, Nikki now has a kakampi, his younger brother, Raymund, is also now attending Ateneo GS. (When Raymund was in nursery, he used to join us in teasing Nikki when Ateneo loses.) Ratio at home is now 3:2, but I think Raymund is too young to understand. But eventually he'll be feeling the same school spirit, the way Nikki has.
Anyway, we plan to watch the second round DLSU-Ateneo game (DLSU still has one more game in the first round---with NU on 4 Aug). The second round sched usually is released when the first round is over.
Sigh...I just hope they both grow up to be fine Ateneo gentlemen.
27 July 2007
“You Shoot, I’ll Drive”

“Transformers” is about the century old war of two races of robotic aliens, the Autobots and Decepticons. Everything was fine until they arrived on Earth.
I’ve seen Shia LaBeouf on Disney Channel’s Even Stevens (as Louis Stevens) and he plays his role as the pesky little brother to the hilt. It’s similar to his role in the “Transformers” but this time he plays the unsuspecting hero (well, maybe Louis Stevens in his late teens). The cast was well chosen, the movie score was perfect. Most impressive was the special effects. The transformations were incredible. Can’t help but think: Sana mag transform din kotse ko! That would be uber cool!! hahahahaha
We left the theatre amused, amazed, awestruck, and more than satisfied. I love Bumblebee! At least he doesn’t transform to a Volkswagen anymore but a more stylish Camaro and that’s asteeeeeg!!!
No doubt there’ll be a “Transformers Part 2” (I heard Director Michael Bay might return, still under negotiations, they say).
I agree Megan Fox is hot but Monica Bellucci of Matrix is hotter.
Five stars, baby!!!
My Fave Lines:
Sam to Mikaela: I was wondering if... if I could ride you home, I - I mean if I could give you a ride home.
Autobot Jazz: What's crackin' little bitches?
Sam: Where'd he learn to talk like that?
Optimus Prime: We learned Earth's language through the World Wide Web.
Autobot Jazz: [sits on a car] This looks like a cool place to kick it!
26 July 2007
Pandy, The Teddy Bear
Wednesday, 18 July. 5:05pm. I called up my friend Bex to find out what her plans were for the night because I wasn't planning on going to the gym since my thighs hurt. She said she was "tinatamad" too and mentioned that our friend Meyri will be going to see her doctor in Mega about her "alleged" allergy. Since I didn't want to go home yet, I suggested that we watch a movie. Choices were...Vacancy (thriller, ayaw baka di tayo makatulog)...Planet Terror (ngeee, title pa lang)...Tyanaks (ewwwww!!!)...Die Hard 4.0 (yung light lang...)...In the Land of Women (okay, okay, 7:30pm screening then). (You can also check Bex's entry.)
In the Land of Women
Not knowing any background on the movie when we decided to see it, I only remember seeing the trailer, Adam Brody being kissed by an unidentified co-star. Hehe. Still unkempt (just like in The O.C.), I thought this was going to be a loser meets girl, loser falls for girl, girl falls for loser kind of movie. Boy, was I wrong. The story is about one man’s quest to find himself while touching the lives of others along the way. It’s about life, love, and family. But this one’s got heart. (Picture shows Kirsten Stewart as Lucy, Adam Brody, and Mackenzie Vega as Paige)
The movie starts with Adam Brody as Carter Webb, a struggling soft-core porn writer, being dumped by his actress girlfriend. His life in a mess, he decides to visit his grandma in Michigan not knowing the effect he will have on the three women who lives across the street.
I was happy to see Meg Ryan again doing notable roles (her last was "Kate and Leopold" with Hugh Jackman in 2001). She plays the cancer stricken mother of the two girls (Mackenzie Vega and Kirsten Stewart–btw, she played Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room), all of whom establishes a special friendship with Adam’s character. Adam’s performance was perfect, I can’t help but think that the role was made for him. He’s simply lovable in the movie. It’s weird but there is something about him that will make you fall for him, I know I did.
I give it four out of five stars.
My Fave Lines:
[After the sisters' date with Carter]
Paige (the younger sister): Carter?
Carter: [turns around] Hmm?
Paige: [sleepily] Will you marry me?
Carter: Yes.
Lucy: You know that was really hard for me to say? I mean what are you trying to do scare me? Well congratulations!
Carter: I'm trying to wake you up! There's a big f**king world out there. It's messy, and it's chaotic, and it's never, it's never ever the thing you'd expect. It's okay to be scared but you cannot allow your fears to turn you into an a**hole, not when it comes to the people that really love you, the people that need you.
Lucy: So I guess we're done right?
Carter: Yeah, we're done.
P.S. "Pandy, The Teddy Bear" is the title of the book Adam was writing in the movie (he's a writer, remember?).
25 July 2007
Harry, Me and the Three Kids
Disappointed that Rose and I missed the first showing day of the movie, we planned to watch it in the coming weekend. My sis-in-law, upon finding out that we will be watching too, invited us to join them to watch on Saturday at Rockwell. She bought tickets for the 6:20pm screening. Since she will already be at her office (it’s adjoining Rockwell) and Rose will be coming also from her office in Makati, and there will be NO YAYA, I had to baby sit the 3 kids, imagine 3 KIDS, to Rockwell and meet them there. Imagine 3 kids--aged 4, 6 and 9 and just me. Maikli pa naman ang pasensya ko, kaya Lord, more patience, please. Help me!!!
You can only imagine the distress I felt when we arrived at Rockwell, sa parking pa lang ang gulo naaaahhh. [Me: Wala munang bababa. Stay in your seats, I will get you one by one. Nikki: Yes, Tita (sabay bukas ng car door)] Arghhhhhhh. When we got inside all I wanted to do was to call their mother so she can have her kids back hahahahaha. E hindi sumasagot sa phone. Dang it. So we got on the escalator. Oh no, ESCALATOR. I can’t possibly keep an eye on each of the three kids while on the escalator. What if the escalator catches a part of their clothes or their shoe? Lagot ako sa nanay nila. Bwahahahaha. Finally, when we got to the theatre floor, Rose and my sister-in-law were already there. *whew*
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

If you’re a big Harry Potter fan and have read the book, you’ll notice a lot of gaping holes in the movie. A lot of scenes have been left out. But what can you expect in turning an 870 paged book to a 2 and half hour movie (British version of the book has 766 pages)? [If you have not read the book, you won't know what you're missing anyway (hehehehe)]. Daniel Radcliffe has matured as an actor. I guess his recent play in London, Equus, has given him a lot of confidence. Director David Yates (who will also direct the Half-Blood Prince) did a very good job. I was impressed with the fight scene in the Department of Mysteries because that was not how I pictured it when I read the book. I give the movie four out of five stars.
My Favorite Lines:
Ron: Hermione, you are truly the most wonderful person I have ever met and if I'm ever rude to you...
[After kissing Cho]
Ron: So what was it like?
Ron: [laughing]
Harry: Because she was crying.
[End part]
Harry: We've got something he doesn’t have. We've got something worth fighting for.
*Picture from HarryPotterFanZone.com
20 July 2007
I'm Bored...
18 July 2007
Things to Remember When Going to the Movies with Kids
I once baby sat my cousin (she was around 7). My college best friends unexpectedly dropped by my house to pick me up to watch a movie. She was my responsibility that day so I had no choice but to bring my cousin. In the middle of the movie (a Pierce Brosnan movie I think), my cousin goes, “Ate, nawiwiwi ako.” I said (pissed off), “Pigilin mo muna.” Then she said, “Hindi pwede, masama daw sabi ni Mommy.” Her mother is a nurse. So I had no choice but to take her to the bathroom. I think we took about 10+ minutes because she wanted to be washed (sa basin) and wiped dry (I had to buy tissue). Ughhhhh!!!!
2. If you shed a tear during a very emotional scene, do not show to the little kid.
My movie buddy, my sister Rose, and I brought our nephew Nikki to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). Remember the scene where Cedric Diggory died? We were what you call “emote na emote,” when Nikki blurted out (pointing his finger at me), “Ay si Tita, umiiyak hahahahaha.” I felt so embarrassed because he didn’t say it whispering. Of course I said (defensively), “Hindi ah.” Hmmpppphhh
3. Buy lots of food (popcorn, chips, etc.). That should keep the little imp preoccupied.
4. Be patient. You know how kids can be so restless and makulit sometimes, well, always.
Nikki: Tita, diba si Voldemort nasa Goblet of Fire din?
Me: Yup. Shhhhh
(after 3 minutes)
Nikki: Tita, ba’t wala syang ilong?
Me: Mask lang yon para nakakatakot siya. Shhhh
(after 3 minutes)
Nikki: Si Sirius yung black dog?
Me: Yup, animagous sya…Shhhh
(after 3 minutes)
Nikki: Patay na siya (Sirius)?
Me: ARGHHHHHH (Lord, give me more patience, please!!!!)
5. Look serious when watching the movie.
(I had earlier accompanied Nikki to the bathroom…)
Nikki: Tita Rhea, nawiwiwi ulit ako.
Me: Si Tita Rose naman. Sinamahan na kita kanina e.
Nikki: Ikaw na lang. Nanunuod siya e.
DUH!!!! As if naman hindi ako nanunuod. Hahahahaha
16 July 2007
God's Little Instruction Book on Friendship

2. The best way to keep your friend is not to give them away - Wilson Mizner
3. "Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary - Amos Bronson Alscott
4. Who ceases to be a friend, never was one.
5. A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud.
6. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out - Walter Winchell
7. A real friend helps us think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, be our finest selves.
8. A friend is someone with whom you can be one-hundred percent yourself.
9. A real friend is a person who, when you've made a fool of yourself, lets you forget it.
10. Having and being a friend means wanting only the best for each other - Alexandra Stoddard
11 July 2007
The Case of the Missing Pakaw
When I got home Monday night, I mentioned to my Mom that I lost my pakaw last Sunday while hearing Mass because of Regeena. Then she excitedly told me that my uncle found a gold pakaw on the floor in our room earlier that day. When I checked, it was identical to the other pakaw. I was so happy.
Actually, this is not the first time I thought I lost an earring.
December 2002, we went to our friend Maila's family resort/beach house in Mindoro (it was also a despedida for a friend who was leaving for the US for good). That was a 2 1/2 drive to Batangas port, an hour on the RORO and another 1 hour drive to the place. Before night fall, after resting by the beach, without any reason I touched my left ear, and did not feel an earring. When I reached for the other ear, I had an earring on. So I panicked and informed everyone that I lost an earring. Our ever-so-gracious host, Maila's husband Butch, looked for it where we last stayed. To think the place was all sand. Poor Butch. I could have lost it at the port, on the RORO, in the car, by the beach ughhhhhh. As expected, we weren't able to find it. So I just said, "Hayaan mo na nga. It probably got lost for a reason. Let's all just enjoy the rest of our stay." We stayed there Friday and left Sunday.
We arrived in Manila around 8:30pm. After driving for over 3 hours, I was so tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. I was already changing clothes when...well, what do you know, the other pair was just there on top of the dresser. All I could think was, "Oh no, Butch is going to kill me." hahahahahaha. It was there all along. I must have forgotten to put the other one on in my haste to leave the house on time last Friday *innocent grin*
Maybe these series of losing and then finding again must be a sign that it's really meant to be mine (duh? parang love) or that I should take better care of my things or maybe, just maybe, that I'm beginning to be more forgetful? Man, I'm getting old. hahahahahaha
10 July 2007
Weekend #27
7 July 2007. 9:30am. Aero Marathon. Hehehe. I didn't join, I just watched. Saw familiar faces among the contestants, Jake, Cecile, Sue, Ja, Eufie, Lelet. I think the part I enjoyed the most was the cool down session – Belly Dancing!!! It’s such a sensual dance. It looks easy but it’s not. You have to coordinate your stomach and hip movements or else it won’t look sexy. Watching the instructor, all I could think was I wish I could gyrate like that hahahaha kaya lang naisip ko palakihan na lang ng tyan!!!
12:15pm. Gym. Ahhhhh!!! I had the gym all to myself. Since I was all alone, I did not need my DAP so I changed the TV channel from Discovery to MTV AND increased the volume. Just cardio, 40 on the cross trainer and 40 on the treadmill.
Wimbledon. Women’s Singles Semi Finals. Justine Henin lost to Marion Bartoli of France (seeded 18), 1-6, 7-5, 6-1. Marion won all because of Pierce Brosnan. During the post game interview, while playing she saw Pierce Brosnan cheer for her from the players’ box. She’s a big fan of the former James Bond star and she said she was going to be embarrassed if she loses so she stepped up her game and eventually won over Justine *one big sigh*
P.S. As of this writing, Venus Williams won over Marion, 6-4, 6-1, to claim her fourth Wimbledon Women’s Singles title. Meanwhile, Roger Federer has won his fifth Wimbledon Men’s Singles title against Rafael Nadal in 5 sets, 7-6, 4-6, 7-6, 2-6, 6-2.
UAAP Basketball. La Salle won over UP, 82-61, in the season opener. Nuff said.
Animo La Salle!
7:00am. Woke up early. Was still too sleepy to get the newspapers from downstairs so I just got my digicam (my trusty old Casio QV-R51), some small toys that my nephew left in our room, and did some micro/macro picture taking.
12:00nn. Heard mass with my Kuya’s family. I lost my favorite earring’s left pakaw (earring lock) because my niece was playing with a hair clip that she kept “clipping” to my ear. The clip must have clung to my earring that when my niece tugged on it, I felt the earring and pakaw fall. I was able to catch the earring but the pakaw, hindi ko nasalo. When I searched for it, it was nowhere in sight. Must have been kicked/stepped on by the other church goers. Oh well, I’ll just use some other pakaw from my other earrings …sayang, yon pa naman first investment ko when I started working (with a matching ring that I hardly use) *sigh*
PM. Was planning to go to Rockwell with my sister-in-law and the kids, kaya lang something came up that required me to stay home. So, the next best thing to do was take a nap.
Later in the PM. Got pissed off with my Kuya (something about what he said). Arghhhh!!! He proved to be an asshole again…brothers!!!!! #($&@%(&@$(%& @#&*( hahahahahaha
Much Later. Found out Baby Face will be in Manila on 13 October for a concert at the Araneta. Just thought you’d want to know…
06 July 2007
My Thursday
Ever since my Kuya sold our Moss Green Corolla (that’s the official color in the registration) it has been a problem for me. Before, I can just use whichever car is available during off the road days (the Corolla ends with 5-Wednesdays and the Space Wagon with 7-Thursdays). Now, since the SW is the only one left, during Wednesday nights, I have to decide whether I should bring a car (therefore leave early to beat the 7:00am number coding scheme) or just commute or have somebody drive me to the office (but the driver needs to be informed the night before). If I decide to bring a car, that means I have to wake up at 5:30am, take a bath, prepare my things and leave before 6:40am (or else I will not make it).
Last Wednesday night, I decided to bring a car. So I programmed my phone’s alarm to go off at 5:30am. Before sleeping, I checked first what’s on TV and I saw the live Wimbledon quarterfinals match between Justine Henin and Serena Williams. I just had to watch. All throughout the game, Justine was struggling with her first serves but because of her solid ground strokes and excellent backhand down the line passing shots against Serena, she was able to compensate her bad service game (she had 7 double faults, while Serena had none). Justine won in 3 sets: 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Wahoooo! When I looked at the time on my phone, it was already past 1:00am. Uh-oh. Got to sleep now or else…
What a beautiful morning --- not!!! It was already 6:30am!!!!!!!!!! I had no choice but to commute and to hurry. Commute means 1 tricycle ride (P12), 1 MRT ride (from Boni to Ortigas) (P10) and a few minutes walk to my workstation. But my story does not end there.
When I got to the office, I found out that I had the car key with me. Grrrr!! So I texted my Kuya to let him know the key is with me and that I’m sorry. (My sister-in-law’s other car is parked inside the garage, with the SW blocking it). He texted back and said it was okay. He probably has the spare key and my sister-in-law will be using her other car. Sigh…what a morning. Did I mention that it rained hard last night??? (You know how much I hate it when I’m commuting going home and it rains...hmmpphhh) So I had to stay in the office and wait for the rain to die down a bit. Around 6:30pm, Bex and Meyri called to invite me to have dinner. Of course I said, “Yes.” Hehehe. At least I won’t be alone.
Because Meyri has a foot injury, she requested to have dinner in Galleria (and also because it’s near her place); Piadina was the hands-down choice. We ordered one margherita pizza, one funghi piadina (mushroom) and one pasta dish that I forgot the name. Myummy!!! Made me miss Piadina in Megamall. Aside from the carbo-loading dinner, we had fun taking candid pictures, sharing funny stories, the day’s boo-boos and office tsismis that night. (Oh, classic Meyri struck again last night, but that will be in another entry.) I could say that it made up for my not so good Thursday morning.
So that was how my day went.
05 July 2007
A lot of my friends have moved to the US (and other parts of the world). I know they have their own reasons and that’s the path they chose.
A few years before my Dad died in ’97, he was planning to move the whole family to the US. He was having problems with people he was working with. He started to drink and smoke heavily, he also stopped playing Tennis. At that time, moving was a form of escape. Maybe if we had moved, he would probably still be alive today. I wish we had moved. But we didn’t. The past is past. (I know my Dad is happy where he is right now, he's with Him always looking after us. I love you, Dad!)
If ever I go abroad, it would only be just for a few weeks or months, but not for good. My life is here in the Philippines. My family is here, my friends are here. But, who knows what life has in store for me...
04 July 2007
Back to the Gym
I’m not sure if my friends noticed but it’s been 2 weeks that I have not been going to the gym (due to this nasty sore throat I had. I feel better now, thank you). It’s only yesterday that I went back and did some exercising. Well, not actually some, but 40 minutes of cardio and another 40 or so minutes of weight training (of course there were rests in between and okay, okay, some waiting, there were a lot of gym-ers last night).
Earlier, I wasn’t sure if I should do cardio and weights or just cardio, but I thought since I’ve been away for some time, I should maximize my visit. I was thinking, I've been doing it before so there should be no problem. Wrong move! I forgot that it’s different if you’ve been going regularly to the gym, your body is already used to the beating. But if you stopped for some time and come back to your regular exercises, you have to remember that there is such a phrase as “hinay-hinay lang muna.” (But I did not remember that until this morning)
So, I did all the cardio and weight training in my program and even went down to the courts to play badminton with friends. Although I played only 2 intensity-filled but very fun games, I was happy with it.
Come next day…maaaannnnn, ang sakit ng katawan ko waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
1. If you’re coming back from a long hiatus, hinay-hinay lang muna. Wait for your body to get used to your usual exercises, and then gradually increase the intensity.
2. Go early to the gym. Come around 5:15pm and you can still choose which machines you want to use.
3. Of course, bring a towel. To wipe away your sweat from your body and the machines.
Whoever coined “no pain, no gain” is crazy!
02 July 2007
You Go, Sisters!
NBA Finals Postscript
Prayers Did It For Spurs
By Joaquin Henson
Philippine Star
20 June 2007
Click on above pic to enlarge.

My own postscript: When we were still in GS/HS, we always wondered: What do sisters wear when they go swimming? Do they wear bathing suits or their habits? Or do they wear their bathing suits under their habits? What do they look like in street clothes? Would we recognize them? I don't think I want to know. It doesn't matter now. This article has already changed my views about sisters in general. They will now and forever be "cool chicks" to me.